Thursday, October 31, 2019

The 5 'I's Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The 5 'I's - Assignment Example This acts as the key inspiration that trigger the company to initiate a low sugar product that meets the needs of young children and old customers who are loyal towards the company products. In order to be successful in the soft drink market that is characterized by stiff competition, strong marketing team will be employed to carry out intensive market research. Through the use of feedback from parents and young consumers, the company will ultimately produce a quality brand that effectively puts at bay its competitors. Additionally, promotional strategies that include free samples, competition and road shows will greatly influence the demand of the new product among the young consumers. To be successful in the market, Coca-Cola will need to emulate various initiatives. First, duration of approximately 3 months is needed to undertake market research. After the research, the company needs to adopt marketing strategies for 6 months in order to create strong customer awareness (Tuomi 35). This implies that the company should employ various avenues of advertisement such as television, magazines as well as social sites including face book and twitter. For these strategies to be effectively put in place, the company requires approximate US $250,000 per year. To meet the high demand of its product in the market, the company will need to produce large volume of syrups in it production facility. In this regard, the technical team will be expanded and new machines will be put in place. Additionally, the company will adopt an effective communication system to monitor the sales of its new product in the current and new markets. Through the coordination of the 5 ‘I’, Coca-Cola will be not only successfully penetrate new markets but also it will expand its customer base an aspect that will contribute to its sustainable

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Rusty Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Rusty Time - Essay Example His father was getting more and more concerned, because Michael wasn’t the sociable little boy he used to be. As if he closed himself from the whole world, even him, his own father. No matter what he did, what he offered, Michael would bleakly, yet determinedly thank him, then refuse. He went downstairs and clicked on the big screen on the wall of the kitchen. A computerized voice greeted him facelessly, and asked what he would like to have for breakfast. He chose eggs and toast. The buzzing of machines wasn’t as loud as it was before they installed the newest Cook-O-Master. He thought to himself that his wife would have loved not having to cook anymore, but just indulge in her painting and taking care of Michael and him. He sighed and took the freshly prepared breakfast tray that the table produced before him. Michael stopped crying, but the sadness was all too visible in his demeanor. He went downstairs and joined his father at the table. He wanted no breakfast. †Å"Please, dad†¦ can we try it? Just once, I believe it is possible,† Michael started. â€Å"Mike, we’ve already had this discussion. You are putting me in an awful situation having to say no over and over again. I told you, even if we did try the procedure, it is questionable whether it would work. You know that the machine transports only live matter,† his father spoke calmly, feeling tired and heartbroken having to discuss a painful thing again. â€Å"I read somewhere that new additions are made to the machine and that they managed to transport some parts of clothing†¦ Dad, we can try, we have money now, I know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Michael,† his father’s voice was getting louder and more resolute, â€Å"You know it is impossible to transport money through time†¦ and you know†¦ I feel it’s my fault that we couldn’t afford to pay for your mother’s operation†¦ We could have saved her life†¦ If onlyà ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  He buried his face into his hands and went silent. Michael felt bad and hugged his father soothingly. â€Å"Dad†¦ dad†¦ it’s not your fault†¦ you couldn’t have known we would win the lottery†¦ we had no money†¦ it was†¦ it wasn’t your fault, dad, it wasn’t†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It was, Mike, it was†¦ I am the provider, at least†¦ I was supposed to be, and I couldn’t provide your mother with the treatment†¦ it is my fault... my fault†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"No, dad†¦ listen, we can try, I read†¦ I read somewhere†¦ let’s try, we have money, we can afford it now. You can go, and pay†¦ pay everything they ask†¦ just bring mom back, please, dad, please†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Michael was crying in his father’s arms. His father was crushed by the weight of his guilt. He didn’t want to raise their hopes up, only for them to be shattered like glass. It would be like losing her again. And he wasn’t strong enough to go through that pain again. Not again. But, looking at his son, he felt stronger. Maybe, he thought to himself, maybe it is possible. If I make a few phone calls, maybe someone does know something. Having made several phone calls, he turned to Michael, who was looking at him with puppy dog eyes. â€Å"Alright, son, they said that they did manage to transport several pieces of cloth to the past. And, they said they are willing to give it a try, provided we pay them enough†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Michael jumped into his father’s arms. â€Å"But, Mike, Mike†¦ Promise me that you won’

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Does Liberalism Promote Or Undermine Democracy Politics Essay

Does Liberalism Promote Or Undermine Democracy Politics Essay In a world of ideologies, liberalism and democracy have long coexisted. Liberalism in essence advocates for liberty and equal rights and the importance of the role they play in the development of individuals (liberalism. 1/1). Democracy takes a step further and most types of democracies aim to bring this into execution by the subsequent granting of these rights and liberties i.e. providing a platform for the individuals to grow via equal participation in the realm of economic, social and political affairs, and thus enabling them to decide their own destiny (What Is a Liberal Democracy? 1/1). At times, the two have managed to complement and supplement each other when either the liberals in their attempt to liberate themselves de-democratized or the democrats in their attempt to democratize de-liberated. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role, if any; liberalism plays in the democratization of systems that govern the modern political ideologies. The correlation between libera lism and democracy has been one where liberalism has both strengthened and destabilized democracy at different times, in different ways. It is not merely the explicit merger or clash of the two ideologies that provides the basis for liberalism to promote or undermine democracy, as the case may be. The problem is one of a more complex nature, which upon closer look, can be rooted to several democratizing and de-democratization practices of the liberal democrats in their attempt to liberate themselves. The subsequent advent of Neoliberalism did not help much and by aiming to promote a market driven approach to politics and economics by maximizing the role of the private sector in determining the political and economic policies of the state (McChesney 1/1). The liberal ideology that voices for liberty and equal rights help in the running of democracies where people are granted these rights and liberties and are subsequently entitled to freedom of speech, equal right to vote and tolerance towards religions. Liberalism emphasizes on individual freedom and the protection of that freedom (Liberal Ideas 1/1). The origin of democracy can be traced back in history to the liberal ideology of capitalism which won against fascism and led to the democratization of the state, as advocated by John Locke (Uzgalis 1/1). It was the principle that not only liberated people but granted them fundamental rights laying the basis for democratization (Uzgalis 1/1). It was the individual economic power of the business class that allowed them to liberate themselves from the tyranny of dictators after they had started to get irritated by the thought of having to follow someone according to Charles Tilly, besides having the means to rule themselves and subsequently led to a more representative form of government (Tilly 1/1). The liberal idea of individual freedom and social equality as put forward by John Stuart Mill, laid the basis for granting of civil rights to people, subsequently leading to the democratization of the state where the role of civil society is considered to be one of great significance (Wils on 1/1). A major characteristic of liberal democracies is the existence of pluralism i.e. the coexistence of different political parties that allow people with opposing views to join together and be able to pursue their own agendas (liberal democracy 1/1). While free media, another brainchild of liberalism, enables people to voice their opinions, debate, analyze and critique the performance of the state thereby ensuring transparency thus strengthening democracy as the rule of the majority (Charlton 1/1). Another feature of liberal ideology i.e. capitalism argues for markets to operate freely (Capitalism and democracy take two 1/1). This provides people with increased choice and opportunity to grow and consequently protect individual wellbeing. Governments, in order to gain popular support, aim to benefit the majority and thus regulate this idea of capitalism to an extent only to make sure that the freedom to earn and grow is not concentrated and rather benefits the community at large (Capital ism and democracy take two 1/1). Liberalism has also been one of the major reasons for the demise of the democratic order in states over the years. Although liberalism provides the basis following which most democracies aim to flourish, the same at times has been guilty of promoting anti-democratic practices such as use of influence by elite to stay in power, more commonly known as Marxs idea of dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Terms. 1/1), use of media to propagate against opposition (Charlton 1/1) and bureaucracys promotion of self-interest (Clarke, and Foweraker). It has been debated that media while playing a significant role in the strengthening of democracy can also be used to derail the democratic order (Charlton 1/1). The theory put forward is that liberalism promotes the role of media and considering the magnitude of importance attached, concentration of media i.e. ownership and control by a specific group or class (elite) can lead to its abuse (Charlton 1/1). These undesirable practices only contribute towards weakening of democracies. The existence of many political parties and the right to decide whether to vote or not granted to people by liberalism at times leads to the problems of promotion of self interests and not everyone voting; subsequently undermining the legitimacy of the electoral process as the choice of the majority (Compulsory Voting. 1/1). One such example is of Pakistan where the voter turnout was merely 44.91 percent in the 2008 elections (Pakistan voter turnout put at 44.9 percent 1/1). Moreover, many socialists argue that as liberalism promotes capitalism, the resulting democracy is not one of equality but rather one biased towards the influential elite (MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Terms. 1/1). They further argue that policies aimed at helping the elite for personal interests lead to increased disparity between rich and poor and thus are considered anti-democratic (MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Terms. 1/1). Bureaucracy also occupies great importance in the political and economic affairs of democratic states. Arguably, these bureaucrats in their desire to obtain individual benefits toy with laws to not only mend them in their favor but also ensure that their stay in power is both prosperous and long lasting (Clarke, and Foweraker). Such corrupt practices hamper the democratic order. Majoritarianism aims to again highlight the problem of the selected few (a minority) who have the means and power via self liberation through capitalism and con centration of media, to not only influence the political process but subsequently rule the majority while falsely proclaiming to be the voice of the majority (What Is a Liberal Democracy? 1/1). Another argument that highlights how liberalism undermines democracy is one of equal participation and the attainment of economic, social and cultural equality to go with the granted political equality (Carter and Stokes 8-12). Liberal democrats argue that as everyone has a right to vote thus the political system is democratic in essence, however the argument is that unless economic, social and cultural equality is also granted to marginalized groups such as feminists and gay right liberalists, democratization cannot be achieved in essence (Carter and Stokes 8-12). First wave feminists although did get a right to vote (West 1/1), it still did not ensure equality as the men who dominated society formed policies promoting self interests leaving them worse off. It was not until the second and third waves of feminism that women got more rights but still not equal to those enjoyed by men (West 1/1). Similarly gay right activists, Afro-Americans/blacks and ethnic minority liberalists argue that although they do have a say in the political sphere, they still have to bear several inequalities in terms of social, cultural and economic rights (Carter and Stokes 8-12). They also argue that the fact that women or blacks are given jobs it doesnt mean they are equal in all spheres (Carter and Stokes 8-12). The influential class not only is able to implement policies which benefit themselves but also ensure that these groups of people remain subservient to them (Carter and Stokes 8-12). The advent of Neoliberalism, however, has been the defining moment in this complex relationship between liberalism and democracy. Neoliberalism has managed to affect democracy in more explicit terms as it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦neoliberalism has strengthened the sustainability of democracy in Latin America but limited its quality. (Weyland 1/1). Implying that globalization has led to the forced maintenance of democratic order while also increasing social inequality (Weyland 1/1). Neoliberals, the advocates of a market driven mechanism with no scope for government intervention, aim to maximize the role of private sector in the formation of all economic and political policies (McChesney 1/1). The shift of focus from the society to the individual has led to several extreme policy changes regarding privatization of public institutions, redistribution of wealth through taxation, and provision of welfare facilities including basic necessities such as health, education, food, clothing and shelter ( McChesney 1/1). Neoliberalism has become the dominating political ideology in recent times. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan gave neo-liberalism a big boost in the 1980s. (Neoliberalism 1/1). The parties that follow neoliberal ideology and the policies implemented tend to have a clear bias in favor of a wealthy few and many multi/trans-national corporations (McChesney 1/1). Everything that seems to be in contradiction with the operations of the free market mechanism is subsequently suppressed by using even unfair means or undemocratic practices (McChesney 1/1). Business forces face little or no opposition and the primary objective of the state is not welfare and equality and rather profit making and economic growth even at the cost of increased disparity (McChesney 1/1). Democracy is only seen acceptable as long as it is in line with the objectives of the business class (McChesney 1/1). Any anti-democratic measures that promote business environment are considered to be acceptable and democratic t o a great extent (McChesney 1/1). Neoliberalism leads to complete alienation of the non business class from the political process (McChesney 1/1) as it can be seen in Pakistani politics where the political system is one that is either hereditary or elitist. The consequences of such an ideology range from low voter turnout to wide spread depression as while some are playing in billions, the others are even deprived of food for survival due to the nonexistence of public institutions that would otherwise aim to address the issue of social welfare which can and will never be addressed by corporations driven by profit motive (McChesney 1/1). Neoliberal democracy, with its notion of the market uber alles [sic], takes dead aim at this sector. Instead of citizens, it produces consumers. Instead of communities, it produces shopping malls. The net result is an atomized society of disengaged individuals who feel demoralized and socially powerless. (McChesney 1/1). According to Ha-Joon Chang (2004), a professor at the University of Cambridge, global neo-liberalism threatens democracy by granting global investors and corporations veto power over domestic policy choices that they oppose. He also argues that neoliberal policies have granted excessive power to monetary bodies such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund over domestic policies of recipient countries (Manurung 1/1). The influential capitalists, with their monopoly over property, media and political institutions amongst others, use coercive measures to suppress this opposition, a practice completely against the norms of democracy (McChesney 1/1). Those in favor of Neoliberalism, however argue that the idea of free market mechanism has provided people with choice and freedom (McChesney 1/1). They argue that it is a merit based system that promotes competition and provides equal opportunity to everyone who is good enough. Projects such as micro financing have emancipated women economically, who have been deprived otherwise (Mayoux 1/1). They argue that feminists have long fought for economic rights which have in turn been granted by Neoliberalism; the only condition is that one has to be good enough to attain (Mayoux 1/1). Liberalism, democracy and Neoliberalism have shared a strange relation since the time they have started to interact. Although liberalism and democracy do tend to complement each other as long as there is no misuse of power, Neoliberalism, has contributed mostly to the de-democratization while also contributing to democracy in the sense of increased participation. It mostly undermines the basic characteristics that define democracies and also goes on to contradict itself at times with regards to the liberation of every individual. The use of coercion to suppress opposition, that arises due to the increasing inequalities resulting from the market driven approach of Neoliberalism has done nothing but deprived the states of democratic order. Anti democratic policies of promoting self centered agendas through misuse of authority i.e. exercising economic and political influence via media and bureaucratic structures etc to stay in power have led both, liberalism to an extent and Neoliberali sm to almost completely, undermining democracy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Enginnering Ethics Paper -- Engineering

In order for an engineering concept to be considered innovative it must be a new method or product; but it can also be a modification to an existing method or product. Generally the function of innovation is to overcome a new obstacle or to improve upon a current solution to any design. For the purpose of this paper innovation will not be defined only as an improvement. However, the innovation may cause new problems to arise. Given this situation the engineer may not have taken all the necessary steps to ensure the success of the application of the new design. In this paper one such engineer (William LeMessurier) and design concept will be discussed. The definition of innovation in the engineering field will be developed and the question of whether or not there are additional obligations imposed on the engineer as a result of innovation will be addressed. It was previously stated that innovation produces new problems which still holds true, but the statement may cause confusion given the definition of innovation as compared to the definition of invention. Invention is the generation of an idea while innovation is the attempted implementation of that idea. Having established general definitions an expansion on the definition of innovation is needed. An idea cannot be considered innovative if the application is unsuccessful. In order for a concept to be considered innovative it has to meet the design criteria. An innovative design must possess or more of the following characteristics: unusual, ground breaking, novel or a significant transformation from the previous design. In the field of engineering the distinction between innovative and non-innovative designs is based mostly on pioneering. The purpose of an engineer is to improv... ...tated that the night welding was the result of â€Å"an upgrade to reflect a recent change in the NYC building codes†2. This statement was deceitful but not irresponsible. The public health, safety and welfare were not ignored in association with the Citicorp design. Precautions were taken and information was shared among those in a position to make an impact. Informing the public of a design flaw would most likely cause panic and great economic loss. The engineer LeMessurier acted responsibly on his part. As the lead engineer public relations and press releases are not his responsibility. References 1. "Innovation.†. Britannica Family Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008. 2. E. HARRIS and R. JAMES, ENGR 482 Class Notes, Texas A&M University (Fall 2009). 3. HARRIS,PRITCHARD, RABINS, â€Å"Engineering Ethics†, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Belmont (2009)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mis Credit Card

How much do How much do credit card companies know about you? 1. What competitive strategy are the credit card companies pursuing? How do information systems support that strategy? Credit card company keep tracks of their cardholder‘s credit usage and classified them into different category. This allows credit card companies to learn a great deal about each of its customers at a glance. Overall, the credit card company uses various methods to understand all of the cardholder’s spending habits.Information systems enable credit card companies to collect the data and analysis it easily. 2. What are the business benefits of analyzing customer purchase data and constructing behavioral profiles? Analysis of the information in the credit usage record enables credit card companies to evaluate the purchasing power of different customers. Credit card companies can use the important information to control the credit card user credit usage and therefore lower the company loss 3.Are these practices by credit card companies ethical? Are they an invasion of privacy? It is not ethical. The privacy of the cardholder is directly violated if the credit card usage is being tracked. The cardholder’s credit record could be abuse and used to harm the cardholder. companies know about you? 1. What competitive strategy are the credit card companies pursuing? How do information systems support that strategy? Credit card company keep tracks of their cardholder‘s credit usage and classified them into different category.This allows credit card companies to learn a great deal about each of its customers at a glance. Overall, the credit card company uses various methods to understand all of the cardholder’s spending habits. Information systems enable credit card companies to collect the data and analysis it easily. 2. What are the business benefits of analyzing customer purchase data and constructing behavioral profiles? Analysis of the information in the cred it sage record enables credit card companies to evaluate the purchasing power of different customers. Credit card companies can use the important information to control the credit card user credit usage and therefore lower the company loss 3. Are these practices by credit card companies ethical? Are they an invasion of privacy? It is not ethical. The privacy of the cardholder is directly violated if the credit card usage is being tracked. The cardholder’s credit record could be abuse and used to harm the cardholder.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 10

10. Unlikely Knights THE EMPEROR They called it Wine Country. What it was, in fact, was an area south of Market Street, adjacent to the Tenderloin, where liquor stores sold a high volume, yet small variety, of fortified wines like Thunderbird, Richard's Wild Irish Rose, and MD 20-20 (known in the wine world as Mad Dog, for the propensity of its drinkers to urinate publicly and turn around three times before passing out on the sidewalk). While Wine Country was technically the SOMA, or the â€Å"fashionable† South of Market Street neighborhood, it had yet to draw the young professional crowd that sprayed everything with a shiny coat of latte and money, as had its waterfront neighbor. No, Wine Country consisted mainly of run-down apartments, sleazy residence hotels, deeply skeezy porn theaters, and old industrial buildings, which now housed mini-storage units. Oh, and a huge Federal Building that looked like it was being molested by a giant steel pterodactyl, but evidently that was just the government trying to get away from their standard bomb shelter architecture to something more aesthetically appealing, especially if you liked Godzilla porn. It was in the shadow of that architectural abomination that the Emperor had taken his search for the alpha vampire cat. He and the men didn't spend much time in Wine Country, as he had lost a decade in a bottle somewhere and had since forsworn the grape. But it was his city, and he knew it like the cat-scratch scars on Bummer's muzzle. â€Å"Steadfast, gents, steadfast,† said the Emperor, throwing his shoulder against a Dumpster behind a hundred-year-old brick building. Bummer and Lazarus had commenced low, rumbling growls since they'd come into the alley, as if there were tiny semi-trucks idling in their chests. They were close. The Dumpster rolled aside on rusty wheels, revealing a basement window with a sheet of plywood loosely fitted into it. The building had once housed a brewery, but had long since been refitted for storage, except for the basement, half of which had been bricked off from the inside. But this window had been forgotten, and it led to an underground chamber completely unknown to the police, where William, and other people who succumbed to the Wine Country's charms, would seek shelter from the rain or the cold. Of course, you had to be drunk to think it was a good place to stay. Except for the spot by the window, the basement was completely dark, as well as damp, rat infested, and reeking of urine. As he pulled away the plywood, the Emperor heard a high sizzling sound, and the smell of burning hair came streaming out the window. Bummer barked. The Emperor turned away and coughed, fanned the smoke away from his face, and then peered into the basement. All over the visible parts of the floor, cat cadavers were smoldering, burning, and reducing to ash as the sun hit them. There were scores of them, and those were just the ones the Emperor could see from the window light. â€Å"This appears to be the place, gents,† he said, patting Lazarus's side. Bummer snorted, tossed his head, and ruffed three times fast, which translated to, â€Å"I thought I would enjoy the smell of burning cats more, but strangely, no.† The Emperor got on his hands and knees, then backed through the window. His overcoat caught on the window sill and actually helped him in lowering his great bulk to the floor. Lazarus stuck his head in the window and whimpered, which translated to, â€Å"I'm a little uneasy about you being in there by yourself.† He measured the distance from the window to the basement floor and pranced, preparing himself to leap into the abyss. â€Å"No, you stay, good Lazarus,† said the Emperor. â€Å"I fear I wouldn't be able to lift you out once you are down here.† With the ashes of burned cats crunching under his shoes the Emperor made his way across the room until he reached the end of the direct light that lay across the floor like a dingy gray carpet. To move farther he'd have to step on the bodies of the sleeping-well, dead-cats, as even in the shadows, he could see that the floor was covered with feline corpses. The Emperor shuddered and fought the urge to bolt to the window. He was not a particularly brave man, but had an overly developed sense of duty to his city, and putting himself in harm's way to protect her was something he was compelled to do, despite the acute case of the willies that was crawling up his spine like an enormous centipede. â€Å"There must be another entrance,† the Emperor said, more to calm himself than to actually impart information. â€Å"Perhaps not large enough for a man, or I would have known.† He tentatively nudged a dead cat aside with his toe, cringing as he did it. The vision of the vampire cats engulfing the samurai swordsman filled his head and he had to shake it off before taking another step. â€Å"A flashlight might have been a good idea,† he said. He didn't have a flashlight, however. What he had were five books of matches and a cheap, serrated-edged chef's knife that he'd found in a trash can. This would be the weapon he'd use to dispatch the vampire cat, Chet. In his younger, naà ¯ve days, last month, he'd carried a wooden sword, thinking to stake the vampires in the heart, movie style, but he'd seen the old vampire nearly torn apart by explosions, gunfire, and spear guns by the Animals when they'd destroyed his yacht, and none of it seemed as effective as had the little swordsman he'd seen in the SOMA. Still, a flashlight would have been nice. He lit a match and held it before him as he moved into the dark, working his foot between cat bodies with each step. When the match burned his fingers, he lit another. Bummer barked, the sharp report echoed through the basement. The Emperor turned and realized that he'd somehow made his way around a corner and the window was no longer visible. He reached inside his great overcoat and felt for the handle of the chef's knife, which was stuck in his belt at the small of his back. He pushed on, moving into another room, a large one as far as he could tell, but still, to the edge of the match light, the bodies of cats littered the floor, most of them lying on their sides as if they'd just dropped over, or in awkward piles, as if they'd been in the middle playing, or fighting, or mating when something suddenly switched them off like a light switch. Another distant bark from Bummer, then a deeper one from Lazarus. â€Å"I'm fine, men, I'll be finished with this and back out in no time.† Well into his third book of matches, the Emperor saw a steel door, partly ajar. He made his way to it; the dead cats thinned out and then there was a bit of a clearing in the carnage, although only for a foot or two, as if a path had been cleared, but a narrow one. He stood and caught his breath. He heard men's voices, but coming from back by the window, amid them more barking and now snarling from the men. â€Å"I'm in here!† the Emperor called. â€Å"I'm in here. The men are with me!† Then a distant voice. â€Å"Mo-fuckas need to cover this up. The City see it they brick this bitch up, then where we go when it rain?† There was a thump, then a grating noise, a rusty creaking, and the Emperor realized it was the sound of the plywood being fit back into the window and the heavy Dumpster pushed into place before it. â€Å"Block them wheels,† said the voice. â€Å"I'm here! I'm here!† called the Emperor. He gritted his teeth, preparing to run across the deep carpet of cat corpses to the window, but he hesitated, the match burned his fingers, and darkness fell upon him. THE ANIMALS â€Å"I'm pretty sure it's the Apocalypse,† said Clint, not even looking up from his red-letter King James Bible. The Animals were spread out in various positions around the basketball court, playing HORSE. Clint, Troy Lee, and Drew sat with their backs to the chain-link fence. Troy Lee was trying to read over Clint's shoulder, Drew was packing pot into the bowl of a purple carbon-fiber sports bong. Cavuto and Rivera made their way around the outside of the court. â€Å"What's up my niggas!† came a scratchy, wizened voice-totally out of place for the surroundings-like someone smacking a fiery fart out of a tiny dragon with a badminton racket. Rivera stopped and turned toward a small figure who stood at the foul line dressed in enormous sneakers and an Oakland Raiders hoody big enough for a pro offensive tackle. Except for the cat-rim glasses, it looked like Gangsta Yoda, only not so green. â€Å"That's Troy Lee's grandma,† said the tall kid, Jeff. â€Å"You have to give her a pound or she's going to keep saying it.† Indeed, she had a fist in the air, waiting for a pound. â€Å"You go ahead,† said Cavuto. â€Å"You're ethnic.† Rivera made his way to the tiny woman and despite feeling completely embarrassed about it, bumped fists with her. â€Å"Troot,† said Grandma. â€Å"Truth,† said Rivera. He looked to Lash, who had been the ad hoc leader of the Animals after Tommy Flood was turned vampire. â€Å"You okay with this?† Lash shrugged. â€Å"What are you gonna do? Besides, it's prolly the Apocalypse. No time to roll all politically correct up in this bitch when the world is ending.† â€Å"It's not the Apocalypse,† said Cavuto. â€Å"It's definitely not the Apocalypse.† â€Å"I'm pretty sure it is,† said Troy Lee, looking over Clint's shoulder at Revelation. They all gathered around the seated Animals. Rivera took out his notebook, then shrugged and put it back in his pocket. This wasn't going to be in any report. Drew sparked up the bong, bubbled a long hit, then handed it to Barry, the balding scuba diver, who inhaled the extra off the top. â€Å"We're cops, you know?† said Cavuto, not sounding that sure of it himself. Drew shrugged and exhaled a skunky blast. â€Å"S'okay, it's medical.† â€Å"What medical? You have a card? What's your condition?† Drew produced a blue card from his shirt pocket and held it up. â€Å"I'm anxious.† â€Å"That's not a condition,† said Cavuto, snapping the card out of Drew's hand. â€Å"And this is a library card.† † Reading makes him anxious,† said Lash. â€Å"It's a condition,† said Jeff, trying to look somber. â€Å"It's for arthritis,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"He doesn't have arthritis. It's not a thing.† Cavuto was pulling handcuffs out of the pouch on his belt. â€Å"She does,† said Troy Lee, pointing to his grandmother. The old woman grinned, held up her card, flashed an arthritic â€Å"West Coast† gang sign, and said, â€Å"What's up, my nigga?† â€Å"I'm not giving her a pound,† said Cavuto. â€Å"She's like ninety. You must. It is our way,† said Troy Lee in his mysterious ancient Chinese secret voice. From his sitting position, he bowed a little at the end for effect. Cavuto had to bend down to give the old woman a pound. â€Å"You know you'll never escape the killer cats in those giant shoes,† he said. â€Å"She doesn't understand,† said Barry. â€Å"No comprende English,† said Gustavo. â€Å"Cats?† said Rivera. â€Å"Your message.† â€Å"Yeah, you said to call if anything weird happened,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Actually, we said not to call us,† said Cavuto. â€Å"Really? Whatever. Anyway, the Emperor came banging on the store windows last night all freaked out about vampire cats.† â€Å"Did you see them?† â€Å"Yeah, there were shitloads. And I don't know how you're going to take them down. That's why it's pretty obvious that it's the Apocalypse.† Clint, the born-again, now looked up. â€Å"I figure that the number of the beast is a number of how many. So, there were like six hundred sixty-six at least.† â€Å"Although it was hard to count,† said Drew. â€Å"They were in a cloud.† Rivera looked to Troy Lee for explanation. â€Å"It was like they'd all gone to vapor, like we saw the old vampire trying to do that night we blew up his yacht. Except they were all merged into one, big-ass vampire cloud.† â€Å"Yeah, it started coming into the store, even with the door locked,† said Jeff, now at the foul line, sinking his fourth swish in a row. â€Å"How'd you stop it?† Cavuto asked. â€Å"Wet towel under the door,† said Barry. â€Å"It's what you do when you're smoking weed in a hotel and you don't want everyone calling security. You're always supposed to have a towel. I read about it in a guide for hitchhiking through the galaxy.† â€Å"Skills,† said Drew, a little glassy-eyed now. â€Å"But, if not for the wet towel, it was the Apocalypse,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Clint is looking in the book of Revelation for the part about the towel now.† â€Å"I hope it's like Thunder Dome Apocalypse,† said Jeff. â€Å"Not zombies trying to eat your brain Apocalypse.† â€Å"I'm pretty sure it's going to be, city-wiped-out-by-vampire-cats Apocalypse,† said Barry. â€Å"You know, just going on what we know.† â€Å"It's not the Apocalypse,† said Cavuto. â€Å"So, what happened?† Rivera asked. â€Å"The cloud just went away?† â€Å"Yeah, it sort of distilled to a big herd of cats and they went running every which way. But what do we do tonight if it comes back? The Emperor led it right to us.† â€Å"Where is the Emperor?† â€Å"He went off this morning with his dogs. Said he thought he knew where the prime vampire cat might be and that he and the men would dispatch it and save his city.† â€Å"And you let him?† â€Å"He's the Emperor, Inspector. You can't tell him shit.† Rivera looked at Cavuto. â€Å"Call dispatch to post a bulletin to call us if anyone sees the Emperor.† â€Å"We're not getting off work today, are we?† said Cavuto. â€Å"Take an Apocalypse day,† said Barry. â€Å"Woo-hoo! Apocalypse day!† Troy Lee's grandma fired off a barrage of Cantonese to her grandson, who replied with the same. The old woman shrugged and looked up at Cavuto and Rivera and spoke for about thirty seconds, then went and took the ball from Jeff, then shot a complete air ball, at which everyone cheered. â€Å"What? What?† said Cavuto. â€Å"She wanted to know what Barry was woo-hooing about, so I told her.† â€Å"What did she say?† â€Å"She said no big deal. They had vampire cats in Beijing when she was a girl. She said their shit is weak.† â€Å"She said that?† â€Å"The idiom is different, but basically, yeah.† â€Å"Oh good,† said Cavuto, â€Å"I feel better.† â€Å"We need to find the Emperor,† Rivera said. Cavuto pulled the car keys out of his jacket. â€Å"And pick up our Apocalypse jackets.† â€Å"What about us?† asked Lash. Rivera didn't even look back when he said, â€Å"You guys have more experience fighting vampires than anyone on the planet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"We do, don't we?† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Oh, we are so fucked,† said Lash. â€Å"That's sad,† said Drew, repacking the bowl of the bong. â€Å"Really sad.† THE EMPEROR Darkness. He waited a moment, listening to his pulse beat in his ears before striking another match. â€Å"Courage,† he whispered to himself, a mantra, an affirmation, a sound to keep him from jumping out of his own skin at every creak or rustle in the dark. He lit the match, held it aloft. He pulled at the big steel door, throwing his weight, and it moved a few inches. Perhaps this was the other way out. It was clear that all these cats hadn't come in through the window, not with the plywood blocking it. He elbowed the door aside, feeling the resistance of a drift of dormant vampire cats piled up against it. When the opening was wide enough to squeeze through, he put his shoulder inside, then paused as the match went out from the movement. He was inside, and the floor seemed clear at his feet, although it felt as if he was standing on powder. As he lit the next match he hoped to see a stairway, a hallway, perhaps another boarded-up window, but in fact what he saw was that he was in a small storeroom fitted with wide metal shelves. The floor was indeed covered with a thick layer of dust, and among it, rumpled clothing. Ragged overcoats, jeans, and work boots, but also brightly colored satin garments, hot pants, and halter tops, tall platform shoes in fluorescent colors, dingy under the dust and darkness. These had been people. Homeless people and hookers. The fiends had actually dragged people down here and fed on them-sucked them to dust, as the little Goth girl had termed it. But how? No matter how strong or ravenous, the cats were still just housecats before they had turned. And they hadn't seemed cooperative. He couldn't imagine a pack of twenty vampire cats dragging a fully grown person down here. It didn't make sense. The match burned his finger and he tossed it aside, then pulled the knife from his belt before lighting the next. When the next match flared, he saw something on one of the high shelves at the far side of the room. Something quite a bit larger than a housecat. Perhaps it was one of their victims who had survived. He adjusted his grip on the knife and moved forward, trying not to cringe as the dusty clothing clung to his feet and ankles. No, not a cat. At least not a housecat. But it had fur. And a tail. But it was the size of an eight-year-old child, and it was snuggled up against something even larger. The Emperor raised the knife and stepped forward, then stopped. â€Å"Well, you don't see that every day,† he said. The cat thing was spooning the naked form of Tommy Flood.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quotes Showing Why Anakin Skywalker Turned Evil

Quotes Showing Why Anakin Skywalker Turned Evil If you are a Star Wars fan, you have probably read up everything about Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader. Darth Vader is one of the most popular sci-fi villains. The transformation of pristinely good and golden Anakin Skywalker into the dark and dangerous Darth Vader is interesting. So what makes Anakin Skywalker, the most powerful Jedi, turn evil? Who Is Anakin Skywalker? Anakin Skywalker, the hero, once worshiped by the Jedi Order becomes a victim of his circumstance. His love for his wife Padme Amidala becomes his undoing. He turns to the dark side when he realizes that it was the only way he can save his beloved wife from dying. After a vicious battle with the Jedi led by his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin is left badly injured. He is saved by Palpatine, his Jedi mentor who is secretly a Sith Lord. Of course, Palpatines motives are to use Anakin against the Jedi Order, as he wants to manipulate Anakin Skywalkers strengths and weaknesses. The Rise of Darth Vader Lord Palpatine turns Anakin Skywalker into the dark and deadly Darth Vader for his selfish pursuits. Darth Vader rises like a phoenix with his mind filled with hatred for the Jedi. He becomes the oppressor and tyrant that fills the Jedi with trepidation. Darth Vader, the ruthless slayer of Jedi younglings, is a victim of political vendetta. He is an agent of evil with a heart of goodness. What Can You Learn From Anakin Skywalkers Character? Anakin Skywalkers complex personality makes him one of the most popular characters in sci-fi movies. The two faces of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader remind us that it is good and evil in every one of us. It is your choice to be what you want to be. You can blame your circumstances for your misdeeds. Or you can accept reality, and work hard to be good despite the negative energy around you. The choice is yours. Here is some soul-stirring Anakin Skywalker quotes that will put you in a reflective mood. For those who love Darth Vader, read some quotes from the evil Sith Lord himself. Anakin Skywalker Prequel Quotes Episode II - Attack of the ClonesYoure asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I cant. Episode I - The Phantom MenaceMom, you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other. Episode II - Attack of the ClonesAttachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion- which I would define as†¦unconditional love- is essential to a Jedis life. So, you might say that we are encouraged to love. Episode II - Attack of the ClonesWe will find out whos trying to kill you, Padmà ©. I promise you. Episode II - Attack of the ClonesSomeday I will be the most powerful Jedi ever. Episode II - Attack of the ClonesI killed them. I killed them all. Theyre dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. Theyre like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM! Episode II - Attack of the ClonesIts all Obi-Wans fault. Hes jealous. Hes holding me back. Episode II - Attack of the Clones[Anakin uses his Force levitation to slice a fruit for Padme] If Obi-Wan caught me doing that, he would be very grumpy. Episode III - Revenge of the SithIm going there to end this war. Wait for me until I return. Things will be different, I promise. Please wait for me. Episode II - Attack of the Clones[Anakin Skywalker, after Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts off Zam Wesells arm] Jedi business, go back to your drinks!

Monday, October 21, 2019

The bounce of a ball Essays

The bounce of a ball Essays The bounce of a ball Paper The bounce of a ball Paper The balls will always be dropped from the chosen heights. E. g. 1 metre, 0. 8 metres, etc. After releasing the ball we will then measure the maximum height it reaches after bouncing. The ball I will test is: Bouncy ball it will be made of rubber. The heights I will drop the ball from are: 20m 40m 60m 80m Another factor, which I will be testing, is the surface I drop the ball on to. These will be: Wooden surface Cork surface Carpeted surface The equipment we will be using is: Retort Stand and Clamp Nail Metre ruler Bouncy ball Wooden surface Vernier Calliper Electronic Weighing Scale Diagram 1: Diagram 2: Method: 1. Collect all required equipment. 2. Set up as shown above. 3. Make sure it is safely set up, and that the nail is secured in position. 4. Draw out a table to write the results in. 5. Take the bouncy ball and drop it from your first fixed height three times. 6. Record the results that you gain 7. Repeat the process for the remaining heights. 8. Record these results. 9. Change the surface. 10. Repeat experiment with same heights. 11. Record the results. 12. Change the surface again. 13. Once again repeat the experiment. 14. Record these results as well. 15. Work out the averages of all your results. Prediction: I predict that the bouncy ball will bounce furthest on the wooden surface. This is because wood is the smoothest surface out of the three, meaning that less energy will be lost as heat/friction and so more will be put in to the actual bounce of the ball. I also think that Carpet will be the worst surface of the three, as it is a very rough surface, which is likely to make the ball lose a great deal of heat/frictional energy. I think the Cork surface will come between the two, because it is rougher than wood, but smoother than carpet. Another thing that I predict is that when the Drop height is reduced, the rebound height also is reduced. Results Analysis: Using my results, I found out many things: The bouncy ball bounced most on the wooden surface. The bouncy ball bounced higher as you increased the drop height. More Gravitational Potential Energy is stored in the ball when the drop height is increased. I got these facts by looking at the line graphs shown previously. It was easy to spot which surface made the bouncy ball bounce highest. To prove that the best surface is wood I worked out the gradient of each line. Formula: Gradient = x/y Line of best fit Graph of drop height vs rebound height: Carpet Surface: As you can see from these sums, Wood has the greatest gradient, whereas carpet has the worst. The reason for wood being better as a bouncing medium is because it is much smoother than the other surfaces. Carpet is extremely rough in texture causing more friction when the ball hits it, which in turn causes more energy loss. Both of the graphs I have drawn are very similar in shape. They look absolutely identical but there are minute differences. I also noticed a relationship between the drop height and the surface used. As I increased the drop height, the ball bounced a considerable amount higher. This was the case for all surfaces. Never did the rebound height remain constant when if the drop height was changed. Conclusion: There are many reasons to why I got the results I did. There are many factors that a ball may have to influence its bounce. Some examples are: size, weight, material, etc. These characteristics as well as the bounce surface influence how well or badly a ball will bounce. The wooden surface, being the smoothest of the three, proved to make the bouncy ball bounce highest. The reason for this is because less energy is lost as heat/frictional energy. This means that there is more kinetic energy, which would mean that the ball would bounce more. The cork surface, being in between carpet and wood I terms of roughness, turned out to be second best. More energy than the wooden surface is being lost by heat/sound energy, but less is being lost than the carpet surface. The carpet surface was the worst. The ball just died out as soon it hit the carpet. This is due to its roughness and material. Carpet makes the ball lose the most heat/sound energy. The loss of more heat/sound energy would mean that there is less kinetic energy available, so the ball will not travel very far. As these were proven in my results, that would mean that my Prediction was absolutely correct. The best surface was wood, and the worst was carpet. The rebound height did decrease when the drop height decreased. Evaluation: On the whole I think that the experiment went quite well. I obtained sufficient results needed for a good experiment write up. I took three results for each drop height of each ball. By doing this, I was able to average the three and also exclude any results that did not fit in with the others. I think that my results were fairly accurate. The theories that I predicted were right. My graphs look fairly good, however there are a few anomalous points here and there. The method I did was not excellent, and most certainly did not give me the most accurate results I was capable of betting. In the time I was given, and the equipment I was restricted to, I would say that my method was fairly good. The Method was enough for the results we needed, but if I was to do more research and was to get more accurate results, then it could be improved hugely. The experiment had far too much space for human errors. For example, the wooden surface we used was just our workbench. Due to this there were dents and scratches in the table. Also, we had to make an accurate guess to where the rebound height was by placing our heads in level with the maximum place the ball bounced up to. After looking at the graphs with best-fit lines, there were only a few odd results. This is expected due to the conditions we were in. As the drop height increased the rebound height increased. There were some factors, which we did not take into account, which could have affected the experiment slightly: There could have been a some wind which affected the bounce of the ball The temperature could have increased or decreased from room temperature in which case the bounce of the ball would have been affected. The ball could have hit a dent in the workbench in which case the bounce of the ball would have been affected. The ball could have not been measured properly. I dont think that I had enough evidence to draw a suitable conclusion, as there is always space for improvement. The results I took could not be necessarily that accurate. I could have performed more than three trials on each surface, in which case my average would have become very accurate. If I had better equipment, then my results would be extremely accurate, and the graphs would give would show an extremely positive correlation. If I was given the chance to do this experiment again, I would want to use more high-tech equipment, to get more accurate results. If I could repeat it again, I would want to time the drop, so that I could calculate the velocity (velocity (m/s) = distance(m) / time (sec)) Doing this would have given me the chance to calculate the loss in Kinetic Energy. Another factor I would like to investigate if I could do this experiment again is to see how the bounce between different balls differs. I could take three different balls for example and bounce them on different surfaces, which would give me a good set of results. I think I have overall found out the main factors that affect the bounce of a ball considering the situation that I was in. Rahul Krishnan 11T Physics Coursework MR Inger 26/09/01 ScD4 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Long Are the SAT Subject Tests

How Long Are the SAT Subject Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT subject tests are all one hour in length and are all multiple choice. However, they differ in features, format, and the time pressure you will feel depending on where your academic strengths and weaknesses lie. Let's discuss the differences among the subject tests and how you can beat the time pressure. First, let's consider the unique features of the test. Unique Features There are 21 different subject tests (I'm counting Biology E and Biology M as two separate tests). Of these tests, the language, biology, math, and chemistry tests have some special features, as explained below. Language Subject Tests Some language tests include a Listening component. Listening tests are always given in the first hour on test day, so you can only take one Listening test per test date. French, German, and Spanish have non-Listening and Listening options. Chinese, Korean, and Japanese can only be taken as Listening tests. Language Subject Tests are also the only Subject Tests with four answer choices per question. All other Subject Tests have five answer choices per question. Biology Subject Tests If you choose to take the Biology subject test, you have the option of Biology E or Biology M. While they share 60 core questions, each has an additional 20 questions with an ecological or a molecular focus. Learn more about which concentration makes sense for you by taking a look at some practice questions. Math Subject Test There are two math subject tests, Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 requires two years of algebra and one year of geometry. Level 2 requires the same plus some understanding of trigonometry and pre-calculus. Level 2 also requires more extensive use of (and comfort with) a graphing calculator. Chemistry Subject Tests The chemistry test has a separate section on the bubble sheet for you to answer 5 special questions. These questions will ask you to compare two statements by balancing equations or making predictions about chemical reactions. The other tests are relatively straightforward in their format. Since all of them are one hour, a better question than, "How long are SAT subject tests?" would be "How many questions are on SAT subject tests?" This is where the answer gets a little more complicated. How Many Questions Are On Each Subject Test? Subject # of questions Literature ~60 US History 90 World History 95 Math Level 12 50 Bio E/M 80 Chemistry 85 Physics 75 French and German 85 (~85 with listening, 35% are listening) Spanish 85 (~85 with listening, 40% are listening Hebrew 85 Italian 80-85 Latin 70-75 Chinese with Listening 85 (33% are Listening) Japanese and Korean with Listening 80 (35% are listening) There isn't a huge amount of variation in the number of questions per SAT subject test time- the Literature test is the one that stands out as having significantly fewer questions. Don't assume this means it's easier, though! The Literature test involves close reading of passages, which takes up some of your valuable 60 minutes of test-taking. Now that you know how many questions are on each test, how can you use this information to maximize your time management under these strictly timed conditions? Tips on Timing Time Yourself When You Prep As you can see in the above chart, almost all of the tests have more questions than minutes. This means you are expected to spend less than a minute on each question. The best way to master the material and perfect your pacing is to practice under simulated timed conditions. Sit down for exactly one hour with a practice test, and don't give yourself extra time. Record how you do and see if you can beat your score each time you practice. You'll almost certainly see improvement as you get more familiar with the test. Use Questions From Real Tests College Board offers useful practice material here. You can learn about the content of each individual test and practice with questions taken from real tests administered in the past. Using high quality, relevant prep materials is the only way to prep effectively for the real thing. Move Quickly and Efficiently The strict timing of these tests allows no room for lengthy consideration or debate. If a question completely stumps you, don't waste valuable time on it. Mark it, skip it, and come back to it at the end with fresh eyes, or simply to make a guess and fill in a letter on the bubble sheet. You might get lucky and get the point! If you're skipping questions, leave a small amount of time at the end to revisit them or fill in the bubble sheet with guesses. Understand Your Ideal Testing Style Will taking three tests in one morning energize or exhaust you? Will you be able to focus on two or three subjects in one sitting, or will fatigue prevent you from performing well? The subject tests start between 8:30 and 9:00 in the morning. You'll get a five minute break between each test. Some students get an adrenaline rush jumping from one subject test to another. Others might have trouble shifting gears between subjects. Again, practicing under simulated conditions may help you figure out your testing style and whether you should take several subject tests on one date or space them out. Not only will timing yourself help create the conditions of the real test, but finding friends and peers to practice with will also resemble the experience of testing beside others. Guessing Strategies for SAT Subject Tests Unlike the general SAT, for SAT Subject Tests you lose a fraction of a point for each question you answer incorrectly. Here's how scoring works for Subject Tests (all the Subject Tests except the foreign language tests have five answer choices. Foreign languages tests have four answer choices): You get 1 point for each correct answer. A fraction of a point is subtracted for wrong answers: 1/4 point is subtracted for five-choice questions. 1/3 point is subtracted for four-choice questions. 1/2 point is subtracted for three-choice questions. No points are deducted for questions left blank. If your final score is a fraction, it's rounded to the nearest whole number - 1/2 or more is rounded up; less than 1/2 is rounded down. What does this mean for you? Too many random guesses could bring down your score, so you have to be smart on when to guess on a question (and risk a point deduction) and when to leave a question blank (with no change of getting it right). Here are some strategies to follow: If You Can't Eliminate Any Answer Choices If you're really stumped on a multiple-choice question and can't eliminate any of the options, don’t guess yet. Skip the question for now and return to it after you've finished the rest of the exam. What if you still can’t eliminate any answer choices? Then leave the question blank. Don’t blindly guess without eliminating any answers. Without eliminating any of your answer choices, you have a high chance of losing points by choosing the wrong answer. Here's the math: on a question with five answer choices, you have a 20% chance of selecting the right answer by guessing blindly. If you guess on five questions, odds are you will get four questions wrong and one right, or zero points total! This is why there is a wrong answer penalty on SAT Subject Tests it makes blind guessing pointless (literally). But because of how randomness works, you might end up guessing incorrectly on more questions than expectedmbsp;leaving you with a net negative number of points. If You Can Eliminate Only One Answer Choice It may make sense to guess here. Cross off the answer choice that you know is incorrect, and take a look at the rest of the answer choices to see if you can narrow down your options further. In this situation, you'll likely gain more points than you lose by guessing. If you guess randomly on 16 questions where you can eliminate one answer choice for each (with five answer choices to start), you will gain a full point on average (4 - (.25 x 12) = 1). It's not huge, but compared with leaving all those questions blank and getting nothing, that’s a pretty good deal. But remember, this advice assumes purely random guessing, which is rare. A certain answer might be appealing to you for whatever reason, so you will go for that choice instead of taking a truly random guess. Test makers often try to make incorrect answers look more appealing so students are more likely to get tricked and choose them. When taking these factors into account, your chance of guessing correctly after eliminating one answer choice is actually less than 25 percent. In the example above, if you were to get even three questions right rather than four and 13 wrong rather than 12 you would be losing a quarter of a point (3 - (.25 x 13) = -0.25). If you do decide to guess in this situation, pick an answer as much at random as possible, rather than getting mired in the wording of each choice. For example, you may choose to always "A" on questions you're guessing on (unless that's the choice you've eliminated) to make your guesses as random as possible. If You Can Eliminate Two or More Answer Choices Now we’re talking! Even with the tricky wording of SAT questions, your chances of choosing the correct answer are high enough here that it may be appropriate to guess. Say you have a set of 15 questions where you guess after eliminating two choices (leaving you with three answer choices per question). With random guessing, this gives you a net total of 2.5 points (five questions correct, 10 incorrect; 5 - (0.25 x 10) = 2.5). Even if you don’t do quite that well and end up getting one more question wrong and one less right, that still gives you 4 - (0.25 x ) = 1.25 points earned. Of the answer choices you have left in this scenario, try to guess randomly. It can still be risky to guess here because we're assuming that all the answer choices you eliminated are definitely incorrect. However, if you have done your homework on the SAT and are familiar with strategies for eliminating incorrect answers, you should be good to go. Additional Note: If you take a practice test, I would recommend marking all the questions you guessed on so that you can later evaluate the success of your guessing strategies. This will also prevent you from just ignoring questions you got right by chance, which you should still revisit if you don't understand the material. Summary While these tests seem to have a lot of questions in a short amount of time, you'll definitely be able to get to all of them if you study effectively. Prep with high quality materials and train yourself in time management and pacing, the same way you would as an athlete. Taking two or three subject tests in one day may sound tough, but a lot of students actually get into a highly focused zone and feed off the energy of the challenge. Be strategic about how you schedule your tests, but remember you can always take the subject tests again if need be- most colleges will take your highest scores. Click here to learn about when you should take the SAT Subject Tests in and around the general SAT and all your other tests and finals. What's Next? Now that you're familiar with the length of the subject tests, how can you decide which subject tests to take? This article will help you choose which subject test is best for you. Are you also taking the SAT? Just like with the subject tests, it's vital to know the format and timing of the SAT. Click here to learn about the SAT and how you can manage your time during this long test. Also, check out our famous guide to how you can score a perfect SAT score. Are you more interested in the ACT? Read about how long it is and how you can pace yourself throughout the different sections. Then read about what a good ACT score for you is. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial Accounting theory and issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Accounting theory and issues - Essay Example Besides from this, there are other methods that can be adapted by the company to meet the expectations of the external environment and one of them is to increase external accountability. The idea behind the concept of increasing external accountability is that organizations can enjoy a continued or higher degree of confidence (i.e. becomes more legitimate) from its external environment when it is more open to the scrutiny of the concerned external agents such as stakeholders and the government (Meyer 1979). To achieve this, they institute reforms in the organization’s accounting practices. The logic between legitimacy and reforms in accounting practices that we have just discussed has been analyzed by scholars and some of them have expressed rather pressing and legitimate concerns. Di Maggio and Powell (1983) argue that the need to project a positive image to achieve legitimacy give rise to inefficient reforms because the external environment may require conformity to symbolic elements that entails sacrifices in addressing technical requirements. The adoption and use of accounting practices perceived to enhance the organization’s appearance of rationality and efficiency may even be symbolic, mythical or ceremonial. (Tolbert and Zucker, 1983: Covaleski, Dirsmith and Samuel, 1996). In the words of Meyer and Rowan (1977, p. 341), the accounting structure trying to satiate the external environment would â€Å"dramatically reflect the myths of their institutional environment instead of the demands of their work activities". Empirical evidence of this resulting inefficiency abound especially those in the public sector. The study of Carpenter and Feroz (1992) suggests that the modification of accounting practices of government regulators who were keen to achieve legitimacy had improving actuarial accounting performance as a minor concern. This claim

Friday, October 18, 2019

Financial Accounting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financial Accounting - Coursework Example It was also decided that the auditors would also have to follow the International Standards of Auditing (ISA), so that it would be easier to analyze the financial statements of the company on a global platform. The objective of this study is to discuss the improvement in the quality of information that users of financial statement get in IAS environment. Developing a strong accounting system is of significant importance because ability of the investors and the banks to calculate and assess the financial strengths and the performances of the companies depends on the transparent corporate accounting system. There should be mandatory consolidation of accounts along with the subsidiary accounts for ascertaining the true profitability. There was lack of segmented reporting of income, other disclosures, extent of deferred tax liabilities, etc. These were few reasons for which a common accounting standard was introduced. The Regulatory Framework for Financial Reporting All the companies in UK have to comply with the company laws regardless of its size. It was also important for companies to develop financial statements for the investors to analyze the financial position of the company. It is also the legal responsibility of the directors to see that the company is working in compliance to the accounting standards. According to the Companies Act of 1985, companies must represent a true and fair view of their accounting statements. In 1990s, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) was set up for setting the accounting standards in UK. It was a solely independent body set up by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the City institutions. In the year 2000, the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) reviewed the IAS. It was proposed that all the EU companies would have to prepare their accounts or financial statements by following the IAS standards. It was estimated that about 7000 companies in EU were accountable for using IAS, whereas there w ere only 275 companies who were using IAS till then. All the measures required were taken to establish IAS as a law in EU. This regulation was applicable for the detailed accounting provisions. It was on the member states to choose whether they wanted to permit their unlisted companies to follow the IAS standards. However the UK Accounting Standard Board (ASB) did take several initiatives to narrow down the gap between IAS and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). IAS is still being modified and it has become IASB in the process of converging IAS and GAAP. A survey was conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers in the year 2002 among 650 Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), all across the European Union to find the response of the companies towards the usage of IAS. It was found that 62 percent of the CFOs agreed to the fact that IAS would help in establishing an effective and transparent accounting system for them. 85 percent of the companies still did not use IAS, 92 percent of t he CFOs were confident of meeting their deadlines of 2005 and about 60 percent did not even begin their planning for transition. International Accounting Standards (IAS) The study aims at discussing the different aspects of IAS, in order to analyze the improved quality of

Discrimination in Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discrimination in Education - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that  discrimination in education on the basis of sex segregation, without doubts, takes place in other countries. The vivid example of the infamous Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistan girl who fought for rights of children to get equal educational opportunities proves that the issue exists. Even though her peers did not probably understand what she was fighting for, Malala kept working for justice and children’s rights in Pakistan. She claimed that girls had the right to get their education and attend schools; she argued that Pakistan girls should have got their basic human right, which had been suppressed for a long period of time in her country. It was obvious that her actions were rebellious for the Taliban regime and that the cost for her fight was her own safety, Malala risked her life.  This research discusses that  another crucial kind of discrimination in education that definitely exists in modern society is the racial one; perhaps, this kind of discrimination is the most widespread and problematic, as the society is trying hard to overstep racial prejudices and get transferred into a new level of interpersonal relationships. Even though more than a half century ago it was stated by the U.S. Government that segregated schools should be eliminated, still the statistical data of modern educational sphere shows that a big part of Latinos and Blacks are still attending the schools which work separately for them.

Cell Chemistry (mod 2 SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cell Chemistry (mod 2 SLP) - Essay Example The natural heat and intense pressure of the earth act on the mass and bacteria convert the matter into precursor substances for the formation of hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons migrate to the surface through permeable rock layers or get trapped in impermeable rock membranes (Simanzhenkov, 2003, pp. 14-16). Autotrophs are organisms that can make their own food from the available substances through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis while Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot make their own food and thus depend on other organisms including plants and animals for food. Examples of Autotrophs are algae, plants and certain bacteria. Examples of Hetetrophs include omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. Both photosynthetic autotrophs and chemosynthetic autotrophs organisms produce their own food from the surrounding substances. Photosynthetic autotrophs also known as phototrophs make their own food by using light energy to convert organic compounds to food. Chemosynthetic autotrophs also known as chemotrophs make their own food by using light energy to oxidize compounds such as Hydrogen sulphide. The first photosynthetic pathway, photophosphorylation, uses light energy to produce ATP and reduction electron carrier, NADPH+ H+. Nitrogen fixation reduces atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. Both photophosphorylation and nitrogen fixation are reduction pathways. The Nitrification process is an oxidation pathway that produces nitrate from the oxidation of ammonia and the second photosynthetic pathway, Calvin-Benson cycle is also an oxidation process uses energy from NADPH+, H+, ATP and carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates. Bioassay is a test used to measure the effects of a substance to living things. The procedures determine purity concentration and biological activity of substances. The scientists used a bioassay in the study since assays are acute

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What is Public Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Public Administration - Research Paper Example e of functions such as developing policy and legislation; implementing policies; managing programs, people, and budgets; and providing vital daily services for the well-being of citizens Public administration refers to two meanings: first, it is concerned with the implementation of government policy; second, it is an academic discipline that studies this implementation and prepares civil servants for working in the public service. Instructions: This research paper should be a one page summary on a letter size 8.5 x 11 paper with the information on the front and back of the page. It should be typed single spaced, 12pt font, include in the summary a chart, diagram, or an at-a-glance view on a main idea in the reading. Students will be expected to include in the summary a current event (within one year) issue relative to the topic. You may consult any number of sources, newspapers,on-line news, news magazines, journals, news and or political television shows.The student is expected to cite any such source in the response. First paragraph (Topic of Focus: brief overview of "What is Public Administration?", Chapter two of The Politics of the Administrative Process by Donald F. Kettl. The header should be at the start of the paragraph, typed in bold font, 12pt, Times New Roman Third Paragraph header in bold, 12pt fontin Times New Roman writing style "What I Know Now" (Describe how your diagram, chart, or table expresses an at-a-glance view of what you learned in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reserche proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reserche proposal - Essay Example The researcher has chosen to research the area of people with learning disabilities. Researcher because of experience of working in a PCT chose this subject area, where a large proportion of people with learning disabilities access primary health care services from independent contractors. The researcher works closely with a learning disabilities team and is carrying out research on their behalf that has a keen interest to identify the barriers for people with learning disabilities face, while accessing health services within Kensington and Chelsea PCT. As a health care practitioner, researcher is concerned that these people are discriminated against. The new government health strategy â€Å"our health, our care, our say† reinforces people rights and desires. Therefore, why not people with learning disability have a same right as other people and why they cannot access the same services. The aim of the study is to identify â€Å"Are health’s needs being met by GP services for people with learning disabilities?† The purpose of this study is to identify the most effective ways of closing the health gap and improving services so that people with learning disability problems have their physical needs met. A review of literature in this area was carried out using various search strategies (See appendix 1). Learning disability is a major concern around the world. Not all people share equal opportunities for good health and evidence indicates that people in less advantaged circumstances experience poorer health [1]. The poorer health of people with learning disabilities is the major concern in present circumstances. Therefore, this proposal will review the wider causes of health inequalities and consider how these affect people with learning disabilities. â€Å"People with learning disabilities have much poorer health than the general population and the NHS has traditionally failed to serve people with learning disabilities

What is Public Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Public Administration - Research Paper Example e of functions such as developing policy and legislation; implementing policies; managing programs, people, and budgets; and providing vital daily services for the well-being of citizens Public administration refers to two meanings: first, it is concerned with the implementation of government policy; second, it is an academic discipline that studies this implementation and prepares civil servants for working in the public service. Instructions: This research paper should be a one page summary on a letter size 8.5 x 11 paper with the information on the front and back of the page. It should be typed single spaced, 12pt font, include in the summary a chart, diagram, or an at-a-glance view on a main idea in the reading. Students will be expected to include in the summary a current event (within one year) issue relative to the topic. You may consult any number of sources, newspapers,on-line news, news magazines, journals, news and or political television shows.The student is expected to cite any such source in the response. First paragraph (Topic of Focus: brief overview of "What is Public Administration?", Chapter two of The Politics of the Administrative Process by Donald F. Kettl. The header should be at the start of the paragraph, typed in bold font, 12pt, Times New Roman Third Paragraph header in bold, 12pt fontin Times New Roman writing style "What I Know Now" (Describe how your diagram, chart, or table expresses an at-a-glance view of what you learned in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Christianity and mathematics Essay Example for Free

Christianity and mathematics Essay This paper deals with interrelation between Christianity and mathematics. It has been observed that God is the creator of this universe and He is also the creator of our various mathematical formulae and deductions. Like Universe and God, they are also eternal and cannot be ever destroyed. The paper has also described how Christianity has described the relation between God and our numeric system, which is the basic foundation of Mathematics. Christianity and mathematics 3 Link between Christianity and mathematics – philosophical aspect Let us consider the formulae for earths mass distribution, orbital path of celestial bodies and population fluctuation. They are simple mathematical formulae that describe the creation of this universe and humanity. According to Christianity, who is the creator of this Earth? It is none than the God himself. Jonathan Zderad (2003) has stated in the article written in the website http://www. acmsonline. org/Zderad-creationism. pdf that universe, that is the creation of God is hardwired by the laws of mathematics. If one have a look at the theorems of mathematics, it seemed that they were true before time began and will continue to be true after time lapses. Jonathan has mentioned this in his article in the above mentioned website. Mathematics exists beyond human thought and logic. Christianity believes that only God can create such things which are eternal and divine. Jonathan (2003) has mentioned in his article that mathematics existed beyond time and space. According to Christianity, only God, the supreme power behind this human existence can exist beyond time and space. It is very much clear from the Biblical records that god gives value to numbers. To quote from the above mentioned website, â€Å"For Christians, God’s counting is what gives the believer a place in heaven. Jesus compared himself to a shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to rescue one sheep that is lost. He values each and every one of us. † (p. 6). Jonathan Zderad (2003). The Holy Bible has drawn many references from the numeric system of mathematics. How Christianity is linked to basic numeric system of mathematics Jonathan (2003) has also described in the above mentioned article how Christianity is Christianity and mathematics 4 related to our numeric system. The author has described that while the Number represents unity, number 2 is the symbol of fellowship and number 3 representing the community. The author states that these numbers represent spiritual qualities. The author has stated in the article that Bible has enough indications that it is God who has created the series of integers, rational and irrational numbers and real numbers. Jonathan has argued in the article that Bible has strong reference to the concept of counting. Numbers were generally used to describe dimension while building a place of worship. How Creation of God is linked with creation of mathematics The author has also suggested in the above article that there is a clear view of Christian view of Mathematics, which is described as creationism. Creationism has got four aspects. The first one is continuity. God makes his own creation in such a way that it is continuous. The second aspect is activity. The author has stated that he has created all these mathematical entities out of his own mental divine activities. The third one has been described as the abstract object inclusive. To quote, â€Å"As a general rule, theists would include mental objects and spiritual objects in the list of God’s invisible creation. Creationism also includes abstract objects like propositions, relations, and universals in this list of God’s invisible creation†. (p7). Jonathan Zderad (2003). The fourth one is that it is mathematically inclusive. It believes that Mathematical objects are created by God and they have an eternal quality, which can only proceed from the mind of God. Christianity and mathematics 5 Reference Zderad, Jonathan. (2003) Creationism – A Viable Philosophy of Mathematics. www. acms. org. Retrieved on 15th December, 2008, from http://www. acmsonline. org/Zderad-creationism. pdf

Monday, October 14, 2019

Increase In Private Car Usage Construction Essay

Increase In Private Car Usage Construction Essay This paper shows the public attitude towards new urban transport system. This study was actually taken out when the project was being under construction. Random sampling was done to the people who commute mostly by their own car. People were asked different questions by surveying questionnaire to find travel attitudes. SPSS was used to find results. Most people were not willing to switch from their own car to new urban transport system. By results it was found that current public transport in Lahore is uncomfortable, unsecure, and not reliable. By assuring that new system will be reliable, comfortable and suits you in every respect, most people were still unwilling to switch from car because they dont have trust on govt. To conclude, new system has drawbacks and people attitudes are not eco- friendly. INTRODUCTION Increase in private car usage in developing countries is causing numerous problems. Many big cities of developing world are facing issues like congestion, air pollution etc. Public transport and sustainable modes of travelling are considered to be solution. (Goodwin, 1996; Greene and Wegener, 1997). Lahore is the second populated city of Pakistan. Its population is more than 9 million and about 13.5 million daily people travel in 2006. (Transport Department1, 2012). Population is increasing, private car trend and related problems are exacerbating. In city, public transport is very poorly managed, traffic jams has increased the commuting distance. Lahore Transport Company buses are good but these are in very few routes. Mostly mini-buses which are very poor in condition are major transportation mode. By the last 15 years, increase in population and private vehicles has deteriorated air quality. Vehicle registration has increased from 56 to 116 per 1000 inhabitants. Cars have been increasing 10-15% annually. (Transport Department2, 2012) There were 2129990 total registered vehicles up to June 2009. (Punjab Development Statics, 2010) Public transport is often considered a sustainable mode for transportation. There should be policy measures to increase public transport usage. For that, public transport systems have to be improved by understanding the travel behavior and consumer needs. ( Beirao and Cabral, 2007 ) Rapid Transit System To cope with traffic problems and such issues JICA done a detailed study in Lahore on transportation system. The study plan was for 20 years, two main corridors were identified: Ferozepur Road Corridor 28.7 Km Multan Road Corridor 12.4 Km Ferozpur Road corridor is also called Green Line, which extends from Hamza Town to Shahdara. It goes along Ferozpur Road, Fatima Jinnah Road, The Mall, Lower Mall, Ravi Road and ends on Shahdara through River Ravi. The journey from Hamza Town to Shahdra Station will take about 45 minutes by a regular speed of 33 Km/hr. It is assessed that 380,000 commuters will travel per day in 2015 rising to around 666,000 by 2025. The expected cost of Green Line is 2.4 billion US$, and an EIRR of over 13%. Orange Line is second important line 27 Km long from South west of Lahore at Ali Town to Dera Guran in the North east. It runs along Raiwind Road to Thokar Niazbeg, Multan Road, Lake Road, Macleod Road, GT Raod and ends on east of Ring Road GT Road interchange. The Patronage of this line is projected to be about 330,000 commuters per day in the opening year 2018, going up to 495,000 by 2025. The expected cost is 2.0 billion US$ and EIRR is 10%. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project also stimulated private sector attention in city transport system. Govt. of Punjab and Lahore Transport Company would make sure investment friendly environment to the private sector to practice protected, comfortable, reliable and inexpensive public transport. Feasibility, design, manufacture, process and maintenance of BRT will be on BOT basis. Therell be electronic fare system and fare will be decided by LTC which can vary with the time. Standards of safety and speed will be sustained. It will save vehicle operational and maintenance cost. Travel time and congestion will decrease resulting in reduced number of road accidents. Economic activities will upturn. By the presence of smoother and safer intra city travel system people will tend to switch from private car to new urban transport system. Thus this will be fuel efficient and sustainable mode. Project implementation is based on Public Private Partnership (PPP) which will resolve finance problem and project will complete in certain time. Private party will be responsible for whole implementation of project. BRT system will take up in the central defined lanes. This will prevent from traffic queues, pedestrians, illegal parked automobiles etc. Passengers will pay on bus stop entering, and every platform of station will be elevated to the height of bus floor. Bus lanes must be maintained by regulatory signing and separated from rest of the traffic by physical barriers. Additional force will be hired to prevent infringement into bus lanes and fines will be charged for illegal entry. Bus way requires two lanes in each course, and one lane will be 10 feet wide in each course. (Transport Department1, 2012 Transport Department2, 2012) METHODOLOGY Data Source: Random sampling was done along the proposed Green Line where project work had been started. It was about long. I did survey in Punjab Secretariat, Govt. College University, Punjab University (old campus), Choburji, 32 Chowk, Urdu Bazar. I selected those people who travel by their private car mostly. I acquired the information by asking questions so that i tried to get relevant and accurate answer. There were 100 questionnaires that I filled by people. Before it I run pilot testing to correct mistakes in our questionnaire. For all the statistical analysis, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used. Then the analytical techniques like frequencies, cross tables, correlations, and regression was done and interpreted the results. VARIABLES: The variables that I used in questionnaire were age, income, education, marital status, gender, family size, commuting distance, time spend on road, usage of public transport, reliability of public transport, reason for using private car, air pollution by car usage, road congestion on road, reliance on new urban transport, willingness to switch from car, reason for not willing. Contingent Evaluation Method: I used CVM method to find willingness to switch from car usage to new urban transport system. CVM is used to find willingness to pay and willingness to accept for some betterment in the system. The method enables us to establish the value of those goods and services that are not exchanged in markets hence prices are not associated with them. Results: Correlations What is your education? Will you switch to new transport system? What is your education? Pearson Correlation 1 .077 Sig. (2-tailed) .444 N 100 100 Will you switch to new transport system? Pearson Correlation .077 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .444 N 100 100 As the value is .077 near to zero it means theres a weak relation between education and willingness to switch. More the education means that theres less willingness to switch from private car usage to public transport. People were not willing to switch either they have highly educated or not. This shows the selfish and non-friendly behavior to environment. Correlations What is your income? Will you switch to new transport system? What is your income? Pearson Correlation 1 .059 Sig. (2-tailed) .562 N 100 100 Will you switch to new transport system? Pearson Correlation .059 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .562 N 100 100 Correlation value is .059 for income, showing also weak relation between income and willingness to switch. More the income person is less likely to switch from car usage to public transport. Regression: The value of regression should be from 0 to 1. The low values education, income and other factors show that the people attitudes are not determined by these factors. They dont care of environment. R- SQUARE: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .121a .015 -.016 1.018 2 .199b .040 -.022 1.021 3 .214c .046 -.050 1.035 a. Predictors: (Constant), what is your gender? What is your income? What is your age? b. Predictors: (Constant), what is your gender? What is your income? What is your age? What type of is your job? What is your education? What is your commuting distance? c. Predictors: (Constant), what is your gender? What is your income? What is your age? What type of is your job? What is your education? What is your commuting distance? Road congestion increased time spends, comfort and reliability of public transport, new urban transport system is reliable T-value Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.204 .454 2.652 .009 What is your age? .015 .136 .014 .113 .911 What is your income? .064 .153 .050 .417 .677 What is your gender? .212 .204 .106 1.041 .301 2 (Constant) .702 .671 1.047 .298 What is your age? .009 .138 .008 .063 .950 What is your income? .054 .158 .043 .342 .733 What is your gender? .196 .205 .097 .955 .342 What is your education? .094 .176 .056 .537 .593 What type of is your job? .148 .106 .143 1.391 .168 What is your commuting distance? .012 .178 .007 .065 .948 3 (Constant) 1.153 .916 1.260 .211 What is your age? .011 .140 .010 .077 .939 What is your income? .050 .163 .040 .308 .759 What is your gender? .178 .209 .089 .851 .397 What is your education? .087 .182 .051 .481 .632 What type of is your job? .151 .108 .146 1.401 .165 What is your commuting distance? .020 .181 .011 .108 .914 comfort and reliability of public transport -.118 .198 -.063 -.595 .553 new urban transport system is reliable -.028 .127 -.024 -.218 .828 road congestion increased time spend -.045 .107 -.044 -.419 .677 a. Dependent Variable: will you switch to new transport system? Conclusion and Discussion: Road congestion and air pollution is one of the major problems caused by increasing trend of private car usage. Public transport is often considered an effective and environment friendly way of travelling. Rapid transit project in Lahore seems to be effective but people using private car are not willing to switch to this. Most people dont have trust on current government, they dislike this project. Some say that this project would not be completed because this government was going to end sooner. And they didnt believe that itd have security, more comfort, and better management. And many people had the problem that this rapid transit route is specified and their homes were far away. So, if they wanted to travel by mass transit then they had to cover long distance to join it. Some people say that they had to done different tasks in whole day so the timing of rapid transit would not suit them. Only, very less people were agreed on switching to rapid transit because they suffer mostly by traffic jams and cant afford any damage to their car. These all are behaviors of people and they dont depend totally on education, income, marital status, gender, commuting distance etc. By doing all work I concluded that the behavior would all different when the project was completed and bus was started to travel. Mini-buses, vans, and open rickshaws would almost washout. Because these all are in very bad conditions and person only used that due to absence of alternative. So, I think theres no need to tell the people right things but change the situation and conditions so that their attitude becomes environmental friendly. As effective policy making and its implementation can do this.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Scopes Monkey Trial :: essays research papers

I think the Scopes trial brought together a great cast of characters: three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan; America's best defense attorney, Clarence Darrow: and its most popular journalist, H. L. Mencken. It was a trial about ideas, a contest between traditionalism, the faith of our fathers, and modernism, the idea that we test faith with our intellect. And it had what the New York Times called the most memorable event in Anglo-Saxon court history: Darrow's calling of William Jennings Bryan, the prosecutor, to the stand and examining him on his interpretation of the Bible. Seventy-five years later, this trial has stood the test of time. Clarence Darrow was a nearly-70 year old attorney who was largely regarded as America's most eloquent defense attorney. He had the ability to transform almost any courtroom trial into a much larger context, and raised large social and political issues that captured the public imagination. He also had a very good sense of humor, which sometimes got him into trouble, as in the Scopes case, when complaining to the judge after his request to introduce scientific expert testimony had been rejected said, "Why is it that all of our requests are rejected?" The judge answered, "I hope you do not mean to reflect upon the Court?" Darrow replied, "Well, Your Honor has the right to hope." H. L. Mencken was the reporter who played a large role in the trial, and is well-known as one of America's most colorful, acerbic, and in his own way, prejudiced reporters, but his colorful reporting added greatly to our understanding of the trial. William Jennings Bryan was a three-time failed presidential candidate who, in the years preceding the Scopes trial, had transformed himself into a sort of fundamentalist pope. He campaigned against evolution, at one time offering to pay $100 to anyone who personally could prove that he descended from a monkey. If the trial were held today, the law would be held unconstitutional as a violation of the U.S. Constitution's establishment clause in the First Amendment. The trial would thus have been decided on the motion to quash the indictment, and there would have been no witnesses and none of the entertainment that we got in 1925. Scopes' Place in Culture The Scopes trial came at a crossroads in history - as people were choosing to cling to the past or jump into the future.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sexually Explicit Advertising is Detrimental to Society Essay -- Argum

Sexually Explicit Advertising is Detrimental to Society Just how far should advertisers go to sell a product? Individuals are reminded that a new age in advertising has emerged when Britney Spears and Victoria's Secret model Tricia Helfer grace the cover of Forbes, a traditionally mature financial magazine. However, as any good advertiser knows, sex sells; all people need to do is look at a newsstand or magazine rack. But while it sells, it also offends as the promiscuous use of sexual images in advertising rubs many consumers the wrong way. The current increase of sexually explicit advertising, while increasing sales, has many detrimental effects on society. New regulations or other forms of control need to be implemented to protect children and others who are defenseless against the war to win consumers. According to a nationwide poll conducted for Adweek by Alden & Associates of Hermosa Beach, CA, people were asked whether they thought there is too much sexual imagery in advertising. A landslide of 73% said there is, with respondents in the 35-49 ag e bracket more likely to say so as concerned parents (Dolliver, 1). There is a struggle among advertisers on whether to use the sure way to sell the product (through sexual images) or to be true to a sense of morality. More often than not, greed takes o ver and morality is thrown out the window. The problem is that sexual appeal used as a marketing tool seems to be showing up more often with a broader range of products and audiences. All too often sexually explicit ads appear in magazines such as YM, Teen, Self, Glamour, Seventeen, and Cosmopolitan, all of which have a target audience of 11-17 year olds who have not yet developed adequate defenses against sexually expli... ...p 19 March 2001. â€Å"The Joy of Sex.† Adweek 6 March 2000: 22. Online. EBSCOhost: Academic Search FullTEXT Elite. (AN: 2896174) 19 March 2001. Marks, Alexandra. â€Å"A Backlash to Advertising in Age of Anything Goes.† Christian Science Monitor 22 Feb. 1999: 91. Online. EBSCOhost: Academic Search FullTEXT Elite. (AN: 1562687) 19 March 2001. Menzies, David. â€Å"Sex Education 2000.† Oct 1999. Online. 19 March 2001. Miller, Michael. â€Å"Sex Sells, But It's Rarely Clever Now.† Capital District Business Review 12 June 2000: 27. Online. EBSCOhost: Academic Search FullTEXT Elite. (AN: 3383375). 19 March 2001. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. â€Å"The Impact of Media on Adolescents' Sexual Behavior.† 10 June 1998. Online. 19 March 2001.